Sister’s Tail Tale

As you may know, we had a partial amputation this spring when Sister came home one morning with a large wound in the middle of her tail.  The vet said she couldn’t tell what had happened, as it did not entirely fit either being crushed or bitten or snagged.  She did end up having about half her tail taken off and staying in the house for 2 weeks, which for a previously 100% outdoor kitty, was pretty rough.  Fortunately, the first 2-3 days she did a lot of sleeping and resting after her surgery.  Then it got a bit more stressful when she decided all her waking hours should be spent trying to find the exit and crying.  All in all, though, she did well and, while not having ventured inside more than a handful of times since (and those for maybe 1-2 minutes each), she seems to have forgiven us for her incarceration.  Here are some shots of her and her half-tail.

2014.05.06 Sister7 2014.05.06 Sister5 2014.05.06 Sister9